
Baby Shower Games: Fun Ideas to Make Your Event Memorable

Baby Shower Games

Planning a baby shower? Well, apart from delicious treats and adorable decorations, the right baby shower games can make your event stand out. These games bring everyone together, create laughter, and turn the occasion into a celebration no one will forget. If you’re wondering which games are the best, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll explore a variety of baby shower games that’ll fit any theme or group size, ensuring your guests have a blast from start to finish.

Why Are Baby Shower Games So Important?

Before diving into the game ideas, let’s take a quick look at why these games play a key role at baby showers. Hosting a shower can sometimes mean blending different groups of people—family, friends, co-workers—and games are a perfect icebreaker. They encourage interaction, spark conversations, and help everyone feel comfortable. Plus, baby shower games are a fun way to celebrate the expectant mother, shower her with love, and create lasting memories.

1. Diaper Raffle: Win a Prize for Being Prepared!

This one’s a classic, and it’s perfect if you want to keep things simple but fun. Here’s how it works: on the baby shower invitation, ask each guest to bring a pack of diapers along with a raffle ticket. The more diapers they bring, the more raffle tickets they get, increasing their chances to win a prize. It’s a win-win for everyone—the mom-to-be gets plenty of diapers, and one lucky guest walks away with a reward. How’s that for a good time?

2. Guess the Baby Food

This game is sure to generate plenty of giggles! Buy several jars of baby food and remove the labels. Make sure you get a variety—some sweet and some savory. Number each jar, and have guests take turns tasting the mystery purees. Their task? Write down what flavor they think it is. The person with the most correct guesses wins. Trust us, it’s harder (and more hilarious) than it sounds!

3. Baby Name Scramble

Who doesn’t love a good word game? For this one, create a list of scrambled baby-related words like “pacifier,” “crib,” “diapers,” and “stroller.” Hand out the list to your guests and see who can unscramble the words the fastest. The winner gets a small prize, and everyone else gets to brush up on their baby lingo. This game is light, easy, and perfect for those who love a challenge.

4. Don’t Say ‘Baby’!

Here’s a game that’ll keep everyone on their toes from the moment they walk in the door. Hand each guest a clothespin (or something similar) when they arrive, and let them know that there’s one rule: they can’t say the word “baby” for the duration of the shower. If someone slips up, they have to hand over their pin to the person who caught them. At the end of the event, the guest with the most pins wins. You’d be amazed at how difficult it can be to avoid saying that one little word!

5. Baby Bingo

Looking for a game that’s both interactive and low-effort? Baby Bingo is your answer. Before the shower, create custom Bingo cards with typical baby gifts like “onesies,” “blanket,” “stuffed animal,” and “bottle warmer.” As the mom-to-be opens her presents, guests mark off the corresponding item on their cards. The first one to complete a row wins. This game keeps everyone engaged during gift time, and it’s easy to prepare in advance.

6. Who Knows Mommy Best?

This trivia game is all about the mom-to-be. Before the party, ask her a series of questions—anything from her favorite food to what she craved during pregnancy or even what her childhood nickname was. During the shower, quiz the guests to see who knows her best. The guest with the most correct answers gets a prize, and the mom-to-be gets a good laugh as her friends and family try to guess her secrets.

7. Diaper Derby

If you want to crank up the competition, the Diaper Derby is just what you need. Split your guests into teams and give each team a baby doll, diapers, and wipes. The challenge? They need to diaper the doll as fast as possible—but there’s a twist! Each team member can only use one hand. The team that finishes diapering their “baby” first wins. It’s chaotic, it’s fun, and it’s a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.

8. Mommy or Daddy?

This is a perfect game for a co-ed baby shower. Write down a list of traits and habits like “loves spicy food,” “hates early mornings,” or “played soccer in high school.” Guests have to guess whether each trait belongs to the mom-to-be or the dad-to-be. You can either read them out loud or create a fun worksheet for everyone to fill out. The person with the most correct guesses wins.

9. Baby Pictionary

Got some artists in the house? Put their skills to the test with Baby Pictionary! Grab a whiteboard or large sheets of paper, and write down baby-related items on small slips of paper—things like “stroller,” “baby bottle,” or “car seat.” Players take turns drawing the items while their team tries to guess what they are. It’s like regular Pictionary, but with a baby shower twist.

10. Guess the Birth Date

If you’re looking for a game that keeps guests invested even after the party, try “Guess the Birth Date.” Create a calendar and have guests write down when they think the baby will be born. Whoever guesses closest to the actual birth date wins a prize after the baby arrives. This one adds an extra layer of excitement as everyone waits to see who guessed right.

FAQs about Baby Shower Games

  1. How many baby shower games should I plan?

Typically, 3 to 5 games work best for a baby shower. This ensures there’s plenty of time for socializing, eating, and opening gifts without feeling rushed.

  1. Do I need to give prizes for every game?

While it’s not required, it’s a nice touch! Prizes don’t have to be extravagant—small items like candles, chocolates, or bath products are great options.

  1. What if my guests don’t know each other well?

Icebreaker games like “Don’t Say Baby” or “Who Knows Mommy Best?” are perfect for helping guests feel more comfortable and encouraging interaction.

  1. Can I play baby shower games virtually?

Absolutely! Games like Baby Bingo, Guess the Baby Food, and Mommy or Daddy can easily be adapted for virtual baby showers, especially with the help of online tools like Zoom or Google Meet.


When it comes to planning a baby shower, having the right baby shower games is essential to ensure everyone has a good time. Whether you’re looking for something laid-back like Baby Bingo or a high-energy game like the Diaper Derby, there’s a game out there for every type of guest. Remember, the goal is to create a fun, memorable experience for the mom-to-be and her guests. So, pick a few games, gather your supplies, and get ready to have a blast!

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